Skaftárhreppur, Southern Region, Iceland, 2024
Two words sum up this trail: STUNNING and CROWDED
And probably: EPIC FAIL when it came to our planning of this particular trail, but there were forces at work here beyond our control (weather and my new found love for puffins). We managed to get an early start from Reykjavík and had Skógafoss all to ourselves for about a solid 7 minutes (enough time for a few photos). We wandered behind Kvernufoss; stopped to warm up at Freyacafe, where I was treated to the best chai latte I’ve ever had; visited Dyrhólaey and spent an unexpected 90 minutes mesmerized by the puffins; made a last minute decision to stop at Black Crust Pizzeria in Vik (worth it); and finally rolled into the Fjaðrárgljúfur parking lot at 1:45pm with everyone else doing a day trip from Reykjavík… like I said, EPIC FAIL.
Then again, everything happens for a reason. This was the only hike during our week long trip in Iceland that the rain stopped and the sun came out. Which leads me to my next word: SALTY. You better believe I’m hella salty over the absolute shit weather during our trip. I guess we’re just going to have to visit again…
If this trail is on your list, then take advantage of the midnight sun and visit either early in the morning, or late at night.


Length: 1.9 miles
Elevation Gain: 337 feet Max Elevation: 428 feet
Route Type: Out and Back
AllTrails Difficulty: Easy
This is an incredibly popular trail and does not warrant an offline map. Several sections of the trail have plastic pavers to assist with traction and the entire trail is roped off on both sides in an attempt to keep people from wandering off trail and following the numerous social trails. As I have begun to explore more of Europe, I have noticed that leave no trace (LNT) is not really a thing they do over here, and it shows. Popular trails are scarred with social trails, overflowing with trash, and packed with rude tourists who are often hiking on a trail beyond their physical ability.
What is a Social Trail? A social trail is an unofficial, user-created path that forms over time as visitors take detours off of designated trails. When hikers repeatedly walk over an area, the soil becomes packed down so densely that it cannot support plant growth. Delicate mountain plants die and are unable to repopulate the area, leading to growing areas of barren land. Over time, these barren areas expand, scarring the landscape for years to come. While it might not seem like a big deal, plant die-off can have hefty consequences for our wilderness including soil erosion, landslides, and trail destruction. Please, stay on trail!
Pack it in, Pack it OUT. This is one of my biggest LNT pet peeves… pack out your garbage! This includes used toilet paper, Kleenex, fruit peels and pits, seed/nut shells… if it doesn’t grow naturally in the local flora, PACK.IT.OUT.
The easiest way to get to the Fjaðrárgljúfur trailhead is to use the navigation system of your choice with your destination set as Fjaðrárgljúfur. There is a small parking fee and zero pay kiosks, but there are a couple massive parking payment signs with a QR code to make your parking payment. We had already downloaded the Parka App and set up our account, so with a couple quick clicks, we were on our way.

Located off of Ring Road, this majestic canyon does not disappoint. Complete with a waterfall and viewing platform, this trail gave me all the mystical feels. I'm pretty sure there was a gnome sighting or two 😉